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Have a leaking boiler?

While performing home inspections we often come across leaking boilers. Most of the time the home owners do not even know that the boiler is leaking. While there are multiple reasons why a boiler could be leaking one of the most common reasons is a leaking pressure...
Are there any child safety hazards in your home?

Are there any child safety hazards in your home?

Have a little one in your house? You’ve likely did your fair share of child proofing in every room of your home. Unfortunately, there are a number of hazards in homes today that many parents do not realize pose a safety threat. What should you look out for?...
Can homeownership make you happier?

Can homeownership make you happier?

Homeownership comes with some types of things that renters don’t have to worry about, like home maintenance. But there’s plenty of perks that make owning a home such an important part of the American Dream. There’s nothing quite like the freedom to...